Past UCI grads have found niches in nonprofit work, pro sports, Hollywood, law, TV and business

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Social sciences assistant dean Dave Leinen receives 2011 Excellence in Leadership Award, staff honored for years of service

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Mizuko “Mimi” Ito, anthropology and informatics professor and current John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Chair in Digital Media and Learning, is quoted in the Silicon Valley Mercury News and 4 additional publications May 29, 2011

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Deborah Avant, political science professor and international studies director, is quoted in the San Diego Union-Tribune May 25, 2011

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Julianne Holloway, anthropology undergrad, is quoted in the Rancho Palos Verdes Patch May 25, 2011

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Research on perceptual learning, memory and attention earns Dosher election to the National Academy of Sciences

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Russell Dalton, professor of political science, weighs in on the early presidential race

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Bill Maurer, anthropology professor and Institute for Money, Technology and Financial Inclusion director, is featured in Technology Review May 26, 2011

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Mizuko “Mimi” Ito, anthropology and informatics professor and current John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Chair in Digital Media and Learning, is featured in the Hechinger Report May 31, 2011

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Kyle Stanford, logic and philosophy of science professor, is quoted in the Los Angeles Times and 9 additional publications May 28, 2011

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