An op-ed by Gregory Ferenstein, political science graduate student and Center for the Study of Democracy Fellow, is featured on June 1, 2010
Nicholas Plassaras, political science and international studies undergrad and 2010 commencement speaker, developed an early interest in a law which he honed at UCI
Sociology undergrad and 2010 commencement speaker Kristal Lee didn’t let her daily drive in to UCI disconnect her from campus life
Daniel Bibona, UCI pitcher and sociology major, is one of 10 finalists in the running for the NCAA Lowe’s Senior CLASS Award and he needs your vote!
Rosa Yenni Diaz, political science undergraduate, is quoted in the OC Register May 26, 2010
Louis DeSipio, Chicano/Latino studies department chair and political science associate professor, is quoted in the OC Register May 19, 2010
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